Believe it or not, I have many moments of guilt when I think the blog might be favoring one child over the other. How do I make sure Jake and Maddie get equal air time? This is a tough one folks, but rest assured, I'm on it.
The posts lately have been focused on Maddie so I wanted to make sure I recapped what Jacob has been up to. Have I mentioned that he is playing soccer? In a real league? Blue Sky in Keller has a league for 3-4 year olds called "First Kicks". I think it should be re-named
"First Rate Chaos" but that's another story. His team is called the "Ball Hawks" and they practice twice a week at 7 pm. Twice a WEEK. At SEVEN in the evening. These kids are 3 years old! Despite the crazy practice times, Jacob loves soccer. He absolutely loves kicking his own ball around and he is great about following directions and doing the practice drills. Here's the
kicker: In a real game, there is only one ball. Jacob is not a fan of this. In practice, he has his own ball and gets to kick it into the goal and dribble it down the field at his own pace. During a game, he can't for the life of him understand why there is only one ball and everyone is chasing after that
one ball. So, at his very first game last weekend, he spent the entire game crying waving his hands wildly above his head as he chased the ball around with 9 other kids on the field. Unfortunately, he's not the fastest or most aggressive one out there so he rarely gets a chance to actually get to the ball. This is entirely too frustrating for him and I completely understand why!
So, we're working on getting him to understand the difference between a practice and a game. Let's hope this catches on soon or we may only be in the soccer league to go to the practices.
But man, is he cute in his soccer gear or WHAT?!

Yesterday morning, my Mom's League set up an event at the California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) where the kids got to make pizza. How cool is that? We took a tour of the whole restaurant (freezer, kitchen, etc.) and then each kid had their own dough they could top with any toppings they wanted. They got to spread the sauce on the dough with their little hands! They even had "certified pizza maker" certificates made up when we were done. CPK definitely won points in my book that day. Jacob had an awesome time and the pizza was great too!

This morning, our playgroup organized a tour of the Grapevine Fire Station. We missed the tour of the Southlake station a few months ago so I was super excited that they were going to do it again. Jacob loved it! He especially loved sitting in the captain's chair in the fire truck. I couldn't get him out of that thing.

Finally, Jacob is still in swim lessons once a week. His lessons have not gone as smoothly as I had hoped. They generally involve a lot of crying because at some point in the lesson, the teachers ask the kids to put their faces in the water and Jacob is not at all a fan of this. Week after week, I leave there in frustration because the lesson has turned into another 30 minute cry-fest and I end up calling Mark wondering if we should just stop going. Then, Mark took Jacob to a make up class in the evening a couple of weeks ago and he didn't cry AT ALL and put his face in the water SEVERAL times! He had the same teacher and everything (and no, we don't go in the water with them.) I thought it had to be a fluke because sure enough, at the next regular lesson, Jacob cried for me when they asked him to go under water. He at least wasn't crying through the whole lesson though. So tonight, we had another make up lesson and Mark went with us. Would you believe that kid went under water multiple times and was smiling and laughing the whole time! Is he showing off for Dad or what?! I think we might have to rearrange our schedule and start doing night lessons.
A couple of pics from tonight:

So, as you can see, we have been quite busy over here. Jacob's 2nd soccer game is tomorrow. Wish us luck that he actually enjoys this one!