Saturday, May 6, 2017

Maddie's First Communion

I don't quite know how to express how special it has been to see both of our kids receive their First Holy Communion.  Maddie could not wait to get "the host" and had been counting down the days until her special day.  They prepare for it all year in second grade!  This day was made even more special by getting to celebrating it with family and dear friends. Nowadays, she can't wait to go to church just so she can get communion!  (ha - I wonder how long that will last?!)

A few days before First Communion, the school hosts a "Last Supper" where we re-enact the last supper with Jesus.  The parents wash their child's feet, then all the kids sit at a long table where they break the bread and share the "wine".  Each family was responsible for writing down a blessing for their child which other parents read aloud.  It was such an incredible, moving little ceremony that I will never forget!!

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