Friday, February 19, 2016

Maternity Photo Shoot!

Since I know this will be our last pregnancy, I really wanted to do a maternity photo shoot this time around.  We've never done one before and I just had to document this moment in time!  I found a great local photographer who was highly recommended and she met us near the 360 bridge.  It was a beautiful day, the kids were well behaved and she was a sweetheart.  The stars were aligned!  These photos were taken on Sunday, January 31st and I was 35 weeks pregnant.  To give some perspective, on February 12th, I had my last growth ultrasound and baby's weight was estimated to be 7 lb 4 oz.  He's going to have some serious cheeks like his big brother and big sister did! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jacob and the school nurse

Jacob's visits to the school nurse are occurring monthly and every time I receive one of her emails, I am delighted because her updates are HILARIOUS.  We try to tell him that he doesn't need to run to the school nurse every time something hurts, but goodness, they make for a good laugh.  Please enjoy reading about his recent ailments and what the nurse has to say about all of them!  I've highlighted in red my favorite quotes from the nurse.  Bless her heart.  The most recent visit documented at the bottom of this post might go down as one of the most humorous.  Mark and I had a field day with that one!

Jacob Broxterman
Aug 26, 2015

Time In
1:10 (after recess)
Time Out
Non-specific head ache. He stated he thought it was from running around during recess. No temp. He stated he keeps a water bottle but does not want to drink too much at a time because it makes him nauseated.
He cooled off in the clinic and drank water. He did not feel it was bad enough to call home.

Jacob Broxterman
Oct 09, 2015

Time In
Time Out

Head ache + nausea after PE. Temp slightly elevated but it may be due to running. Stated he did not want to call or go home because he had a play date after school. He felt he had over done it during PE.
Cold water + crackers. He said he felt much better. He has great manners.

Jacob Broxterman
Nov 11, 2015

Time In
Time Out

B. came to the clinic about 1.5 hours after recess because he was light-headed. He said it started right after recess. He said he is drinking during the day and did not think it was from dehydration. He said his sister had been sick.
No temp. Ears, nose and throat normal. 3 cups of water. He went back to class and was to return if he did not feel better. I suggested he continue hydrating tonight.

Jacob Broxterman
Dec 14, 2015

Time In
Time Out


"Bite" on his ankle. The position of his shoe irritates it.
Area cleaned. Cortain + Benadryl gel applied. A large band aid applied as well. He said he felt much better. He is a really neat young man with a great sense of humor.

Jacob Broxterman 
 Jan 08, 2016

Time In
11:00 (Rahtz) Art
Time Out
"I am tired". Hi. Your sweet boy came to the clinic to rest. He said he was exhausted ever since he has had pneumonia.
He laid on the cot for a few minutes and then went back to art. Poor young man. Pneumonia can take a very long time to get over completely. Keep me posted.

Jacob Broxterman
Feb 10, 2016

Time In
2:11 (Computer)
Time Out
"My heart feels like it's coming out of my chest". Hi. J. came to see me because he felt his pulse was too fast and too strong and he was concerned there was something wrong with his heart. He said this has happened before. He said he has not seen a Dr. for this and no one has told him he has a heart problem. Pulse 88. Heart beat regular and strong in all areas of the chest. Color normal. He was not sweating and denied nausea or vomiting. He said he was stressed earlier in the day because he had to re-do a paper but he was not stressed now.
He went back to class since it was the end of the day. Does he have any history of heart problems? Has he ever mentioned this to you? Keep me posted.