2 month stats:
Height: 22.5 inches (24%)
Weight: 12 lb, 3 oz (46%)
Head: 38.5 cm (28%)
He is exactly 2 months old in this picture. It's amazing how much he has changed in just 2 short months. His hair is starting to come in more and looks more and more red each day. His eyes are a bright blue and his skin is fair. One would wonder how he's related to us except that every other feature is exactly like his Daddy! (and Jacob. And Maddie.) He's smiling more and more each day. He still hates the car (take a look at the last picture below -- that is after a very short ride to Target -- he was NOT happy). He's starting to eat less and less which is concerning, but expected, given his broken little heart. We're doing our best to get as much milk in him as we can so he can keep growing big and strong!
Big sister Maddie patted his little butt right to sleep (LOVE).