Sunday, December 21, 2008

Miniature library police

Jacob and I went to the library today and we met a cute and quite interesting little girl there. We'll call her Lilly since she wouldn't reveal her name. Jacob and I were in the children's book section where we sat down at a table to look at some books. Jacob wanted a snack so I pulled out a little bag of pretzels. Lilly wanders up and starts this conversation:

Lilly: "they say you're not supposed to eat in the library"

me: "Oh really? I didn't know that! I'll just put it away then" (praying Jacob doesn't throw a fit)

Jacob: "Open, Open" (referring to the Thomas the Train DVD that he had picked up)

me: "Jacob, we're going to leave in a minute so let's not open it right now"

Lilly: "why can't he open it?"

me: "well, we're about to leave to go meet his Daddy"

Lilly: "what's his Daddy's name?"

me: "His name is Mark. What is your name?"

Lilly (perplexed): "I don't know!"

me: "You don't know? Okay. Well, this is Jacob"

Lilly: "Why isn't Jacob talking anymore?"

me: "Jacob is still a baby so he doesn't talk as much as we do"

Lilly: "Does he still wear diapers?"

me: "Yes, he still wears diapers. He's not potty trained yet."

Lilly: "I'm potty trained."

me: "You are?! That's great!"

Lilly: "Are YOU potty trained?" (referring to me)

me (laughing): "Why yes. I am potty trained. I think most adults are potty trained"

Lilly: "I don't think ALL adults are potty trained"

I start to ponder this remark and realize Lilly is right. I have a very dear friend (who shall remain nameless) that is clearly NOT potty trained when she consumes too much vino.

me: "Okay Jacob, let's go check out our books so we can go bye-bye"

Lilly: "Remember, next time there is no eating in the library. You can go eat outside."

me: "Okay sweetheart. I'll remember."

Kids. You gotta love 'em.

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