Sunday, February 20, 2011

More from Maddie at 16 months

Maddie is talking up a storm these days and I've totally lost count as to how many words she says. We still express the same amount of excitement whenever she says a new word though, and I wonder when this excitement slows? When do they start talking so much that you don't recognize a new word from one they've been saying all along? I don't know because I don't remember with Jacob, but I hope it's not for a while.. I love the thrill of hearing Maddie utter a new word or phrase, and I especially love her expressions that go along with it.

This was Maddie and I playing the other day while Jacob was napping. She's dropping to 1 nap for the most part, but it's a nightmare because that 1 nap is still not long enough to sustain her for a whole day. I just keep praying that this 1 nap elongates so she isn't a bear come 5 pm.

But at 3 pm, she is completely content -- and playful :)

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