Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More photography

Rachel, Jaemie and I took a brief 3 hour DSLR photography class this weekend. Since the rain stopped for all of about 20 minutes today, I decided to take the kids outside and test my new "skills". There is so, so much to learn. One thing I learned for certain is that increasing my shutter speed is an absolute MUST in capturing these 2 munchkins running around like wild animals. It definitely helped get the shot.

Still working on my silly manual-focus 1.8 lens. I might need to ask Santa for the upgrade this year because most of the time, I miss the shot as I can't get the darn thing focused fast enough. It's incredibly frustrating!

Please pray for sunshine soon!

She's so serious. But so stinking cute!

Um, this FACE. I love, love, love this FACE!

Increased shutter speed people. No blur here! They were running fast too!

I don't know why, but this picture cracks me up

Again, so serious.

Checking out our lemon tree

Our orange and lemon trees are bursting with fruit right now. I pulled the biggest lemon I've ever seen off this tree a couple of weeks ago! This ones a little baby lemon. But still beautiful!

Wherever he goes, so must she. Even if it's in the bushes, behind the trees.

And there is NO lack of excitement when Daddy gets home from work!

Would you please look at her face?! Click on it to see it closer up. Because it is priceless!

Yep, that's all Jacob wanted all day long. To be right there in Daddy's arms.

1 comment:

Jaemie said...

Your pictures are great! :-) We learned a lot!