Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pete the Cat

I know I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog.  Now that my Fall sale just ended, I hope to be posting all about our Summer adventures including Uncle Eric and Aunt Kelly's wedding, the start of Kindergarten, Maddie's 3rd birthday and more.

For now, though, I have to share with you a story about Pete the Cat, read by Maddie.  This is one of her favorite books and last night, she told me she wanted to read it to ME.  I know we've read this book a hundred times but I had no idea she knew the whole darn thing by heart.  If you don't think this is adorable, then I don't know who you are (ha).

I seriously can't believe she's 3.  My baby is all grown up :(

1 comment:

Ashlee Fort said...

Sweet girl! I cannot believe she is this grown up! I remember the first day I met her and the first day I held her... wasn't that yesterday? Miss you guys! She is SO smart!