Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm not ready for this!

I have a terrible fear of Jacob losing his teeth.  I know, it doesn't make any sense (if you've read this blog for any period of time, you probably know about my obsession with teeth).  But, here's the thing.  His smile is perfect.  PERFECT.  Perfectly adorable.  Perfectly white.  Perfectly pearly.  And it's pretty much the last piece of baby on him.  And now they have to come out.  And now he has to go through years of gappy smiles, most likely orthodontic visits, etc.  It just pains me.  PAINS ME!

Because, seriously.  LOOK AT THIS SMILE!

I was brushing his teeth the other night and discovered that one of his "big" bottom teeth had popped up behind his little tooth.  From what I understand, that means these little ones going to go fast.  My heart is going to ache with each lost tooth!  Bye, bye sweet baby smile.  :( :(

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