Saturday, January 2, 2010


On New Year's Eve, Mark and I decided to take Jacob and Maddie to see "Ice" at the Gaylord Texan Hotel which hosts this event in Grapevine every year. "Ice" is a display of ice sculptures carved by master artisans from Harbin, China. They transform 2 million pounds of ice into a winter wonderland. This year the theme was "How the Grinch stole Christmas". The tent was an average of 9 degrees, so we had to bundle up! Jacob loved it and couldn't wait to go down the ice slide!!

If you are ever visiting the DFW area during Christmas time, this is a must-see!

At the Gaylord Texan Hotel enjoying the massive train set

This hotel was ridiculous!

Jacob loving the train before we entered the exhibit

Jacob wasn't interested in meeting the Grinch so I took a picture of the sign

This is all ice!

Jacob snuggled up in his parka

If you look closely, you can see Jacob and Daddy at the top in line for the ice slide

Jacob at the bottom of the ice slide (I missed him coming down!)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hi Angela! Wow, that looks amazing! I miss you guys and hope all is well. Can I just say what a goofball I am? I was looking at these photos and thought "how cute. Mark and Jacob have matching jackets." And then I kept looking and thought "Oooh, Angela has the same jacket, too." Then "How weird. Everyone has the same jacket." It took a LONG time to realize that maybe they provided those parkas for you all? :-) Hope to catch up soon!