Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sibling Love

There are, on occasion, days when I can't believe how well these 2 are playing together. And thanks to technology, I can whip out my phone and start recording at any given moment. I don't video the constant fights and tears -- for good reason. These are the memories I hope to hang on to forever.

He loves to entertain her (and my reciprocal amusement doesn't hurt his cause, either)

I have to give myself points for taking 2 kids to see Santa by myself 2 years in a row. Truth be told, these 2 love themselves some Santa so the trip to the mall is (for once) a rather painless one. If only those kids ahead of us wouldn't talk so darn long to Santa! We could have been in and out of there in 5 minutes had it not been for those chatty kids (ha).

Waiting in line for Santa

Jacob telling Santa what he wants for Christmas. I love how patiently Maddie sits there and waits.

Maddie telling Santa what she wants for Christmas. And Jacob patiently waiting! I promise I did not drug my kids. I did, however, bribe them with ice cream.

Apparently Santa told Maddie he would grant every wish!

I am thankful for these not-so-shy-Santa-loving children!

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