Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ah Mexico, hasta la próxima vez

I have a lot of catching up to do so hopefully you will be seeing more regular posts from me. My Spring JBF sale is done (which was a smashing success!) and Mark starts his sabbatical in 2 weeks. TIME. I always need more of it and I think now it's on my side. Cheers to that!

Our friends The Robins take a family vacation to Mexico every year and they kindly let us tag along in February. Owen/Jacob and Nathan/Maddie are best friends and we couldn't imagine a better family to vacation with! Let me tell you -- it was AH-mazing. The resort, the rooms, the pools, the kids club, the food, the company, THE KIDS CLUB (did I already say that?!) I feel like I should never vacation again unless there was a herd of little Mexican ladies there ready to entertain my kids!! Seriously. We never had them in the kids club during the day but we did utilize it a few nights. It was super cheap (Mexico cheap) and we could drop them off at 7:30 and pick them up at 10. Each night was a different theme (pajama party, make-your-own pizza night, beauty parlor night -- that was my FAVE). The kids loved it and the parents got to enjoy a peaceful dinner!

This was the first vacation where I felt we turned a corner. An "I can survive a vacation with 2 pre-schoolers without needing another vacation" type of feeling. Now that they are getting older, they can enjoy the activities as much as we can -- and give us the sleep that we need to get through the day! Jacob is so much more confident in the water now as well -- allowing him to swim around independently (we are always close with our eyes on him) but it's still a relief!!

I can't post ALL of the pictures here. To see all the pics we took, you can check out our Mexico 2012 album on Picasa. I'll just post my favorites. Thank you Jaemie and Matt for letting us crash your vacation!! I hope we can do it again soon!

They were literally having a dance off by the wave pool

At the beginning of our trip, Jacob would only go down this slide with someone. Then he gradually got up the courage to go down alone as long as I was right there at the bottom of the slide to catch him. Finally, he realized he could do it all by himself! He was so proud (as were we)!!!

Owen and his Daddy, Matt, coming down the slide!

Nathan enjoying his snack

LOVE this one. They look just like mommy and daddy did the entire time in Mexico!

That FACE :)

This was the "warm" pool -- we spent a lot of time here

And they had a Haagen Daz stand by the kids club (strategically placed, I'm sure) that we had to visit almost daily. This girl and her sweets!

Does Mark look sleepy in this photo? ha.

Sometimes I just have to wonder about this kid...

We went to a Mexican party that night on the beach

This was the "make your own pizza" night. Check out the hair net!

Gotta love the chef's hat.

Oh Mexico, until next time...

1 comment:

Jaemie said...

I'm counting down the days til we go back.