Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Aloha 2013!

We got back from Hawaii a few weeks ago and it's always a seemingly insurmountable task to get ALL of the pictures uploaded and posted to the blog! But look at me - I'm doing it!

Let me dare say that this was our most fun year yet in Maui as a family. As the kids get older, we are trying new things and adventures (with and without them) and it makes for a super fun trip! Unfortunately, Erik and Kelly were supposed to join us this year but Baby Jack made his arrival into the world early and we are so happy that he is thriving and doing so well. I just can't wait to meet and hold him!!

We arrived a day earlier than my parents and stayed at the Marriott in Wailea (we have actually stayed there the last couple of years for a day AFTER our trip). There is a kids water park and water slides that Jacob just loves. We were hoping Maddie would be tall enough to ride it this year but unfortunately she missed the cut off by an inch. And these people are ON IT. There were 2 checks in place to make sure she didn't go down that darn slide. And what baffles me is that it doesn't even land in a body of water so no swimming skills are necessary. Her devastation over the whole thing was short-lived, THANK GOODNESS.

We then headed to the Maui Ocean Club in Kaanapali on Sunday to meet up with Frank, Paige and my parents. Mark and were a little concerned that Jacob was "growing out of" the pirate ship and would you believe on our first day back he didn't even want to go in?! He says it's for "babies". Sheesh. We got 3 years out of that thing. Of course that's where Maddie ONLY wanted to be so we ended up splitting up a lot.

We went on a Sunset Dinner cruise on Monday night and Maddie passed out as soon as the boat ride started. It was actually a blessing because a) she gets motion sickness on boats and b) she was TIRED and cranky due to no nap. She literally fell asleep when the cruise started and woke up as we were getting off the boat!

On Wednesday night, Frank, Paige, Mark and I went to see Warren and Annabelle's magic show. Folks, this is not just a magic show. It's a COMEDY show with magic thrown in. I seriously have NOT laughed that hard in a LONG time. There were tears!! Lots of them! I highly recommend this show if you are ever in Maui. I actually would like to go back next year!

The rest of the trip was Maui business as usual. Lots of pool and beach play and cocktail drinking days. :) Just the way we like it! We also went jet skiing with Jacob which was HILARIOUS. I think the kid was scared out of his mind but didn't want to admit it. He says he had a good time but I'd bet you $$$ he wouldn't do it again real soon.

Thanks as always to my awesome parents who invite us on this trip year after year. It's something the whole family looks forward to every Summer! We are lucky kids!!

As always, all 327 pictures are posted here. See below for the best of the best!

I need to do a year by year comparison of this shot since we always take one of them at the top of the pirate slide together.

I'm sure you can see the tired in her eyes.  This was taken right after we got onto the boat for our dinner cruise that she ended up sleeping through.

Jacob and Grandpa built a sand castle but the waves kept threatening to knock it down!

Like this!

This is the "Pineapple Train".  We've wanted to go for years and just always ran out of time.  This year we made it a priority and I'm not sure why.  Biggest waste of money.  And no pineapple in sight!

Yes, we went back to the bird guy.  I have another photo of Grandpa, Jacob and me with the birds.  Maddie wanted to go back and hold one herself too!

1 comment:

Jaemie said...

FUN, FUN! I love vacation pix!:)