Monday, December 23, 2013

IHM Fashion Show 2013

The biggest fundraiser of the year at the kids school is an annual Fashion Show. It is a PRODUCTION, let me tell you. As soon as the school year begins, they are promoting this event and trying to get your kids involved. When I asked Jacob if he wanted to participate he said "of course Mom, I wouldn't want to MISS the fashion show!"

When he was in Kindergarten, there was no real rehearsing other than at school. All of the Kindergarteners participate by opening the show with a few songs (that they learn in their music class). This year as a first grader, he had to participate in one of the fashion show "segments". There are about 15-20 of them, each with a different theme and choreographed by a professional. Luckily, his segment was with a group of fellow first graders and they were doing the "12 days of Christmas" segment which required them all to dress up in holiday attire.

For his segment, we had to go to Macy's for a fitting. The great part about it is they get to pick out whatever they want to wear (within the category) so they are comfortable for the show. I really wasn't sure what to expect. Jacob and I went together and they told us what section to "shop" in (kids formal wear). I kid you not, Jacob walked up, immediately picked out a Calvin Klein suit and said "I like this one Mommy. Let's get this one." We tried it on, it looked great and that was it! DO YOU KNOW how long this would have taken with Maddie?!?! DAYS. MONTHS. YEARS.

I have to say, he has some great taste, don't you think?!

For some reason, at the show, I was SWEATING BULLETS before his segment came on. Seriously. Heart palpitations. I was so nervous for him! The entire show is purely confidential so they don't let the parents in on anything that the kids will be doing. We are 100% NOT allowed to be present during the rehearsals. Luckily, his segment was simple -- just walking the catwalk and being adorable!

I apologize for the quality of this video.  We only had our iphones and it really doesn't do the cute segment justice.  Jacob was the 6th child in line.  This is something we will definitely be doing every year -- as long as he continues to want to do it!

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