Monday, January 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I'm a few weeks late, but I wanted to get our Christmas pictures up on the blog.  December was quite a blur since we were so busy with trips and the holidays.  Christmas is always an exciting time and this year was no exception.  The kids count down the days of December...every morning opening up that days chocolate surprise on their advent calendars.  It's a month full of treats and anticipation!!  I treasure these years because they are growing SO fast and I know the excitement in their little faces on Christmas morning will change as the years go on.  For now, we will enjoy every second!

December always starts with a visit to see Santa to let him know what we are wishing for this season:

We were VERY lucky to have Nanny and Papa come out for a visit right before Christmas.  Of course Jacob and Maddie get spoiled with so much love and so many gifts while they were here.  It was a special treat to have family visit US during the holidays! 

Of course we always make cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve and go to Mass:

There are quite a few of these videos and they are long but well worth it.  Every year, Santa sends us an email on Christmas Eve to let us know if Jacob and Maddie were on the "good list".  Their reactions are priceless.  Jacob, as always, wears his heart right on his sleeve.  While Maddie just soaks it all in.

Sleepy faces on Christmas morning:

We ended Christmas Day with a trip down to San Jose for their "Christmas in the Park" filled with carnival rides and Christmas decorations.  Balloon swords are always a HIT!

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