Saturday, July 16, 2016

Dex's 4 month stats and Baptism!

4 months have already flown by, even though the days have been long.  I am relieved to say that Dex is a happier baby these days.  He's "talking" up a storm, smiling ALL the time and really working hard at becoming more mobile.  I really love that he is so alert and attentive.  If he's sitting in his bouncy seat in the kitchen, he'll track and watch me walk all over the place.

His 4 month stats:

Height:  25 inches (38%)
Weight: 15 lb, 2 oz (40%)
Head:  41.2 cm (33%)

His height measurement is greatly debatable. Now that we go see a cardiologist every 3 weeks, they also measure his height and weight and their measurements of height are almost always an inch more than what the pediatrician's office says.  Mark regularly gets out his own measuring tape and agrees with that the cardiologist says :)  Those measurements above are from the pediatricians office -- it really doesn't matter as long as he's growing at the right rate!

A little more about Dex at 4 months:
  • He's trying SO hard to roll over from his back to his tummy.  He has done it a few times but not consistently all the time.  He can roll both left and right and loves to sleep on his left side.  As far as rolling from tummy to back, we have a ways to go there.  He hates to be on his tummy so he doesn't get a ton of practice.
  • He LOVES to blow bubbles!
  • He coos and "talks" all the time
  • As long as he is fed and rested, he is a super happy baby.  Smiling and flirting with anyone that will give him attention.
  • He really loves the bouncy seat and just kicks up a storm so that it bounces up and down.
  • He's starting to like his baths!  He loves to kick and splash in the water now!
  • We've taken him in a pool a few times now and he seems to like it.  He just chills in our arms and then is usually wiped out after that.
  • He is now grabbing for toys and he just started bringing his hands together and also grabbing his feet!
  • Still HATES the car.  It's getting better, I would say, but not great.  :(
  • He still only poops every few days.  We had an incident recently where he went over a week and ended up screaming and straining in pain for FOUR long days.  Now that we got him unblocked, we need to give him prune juice daily and up the probiotics so that it doesn't happen again.  I don't know if I can survive that happening twice!
  • His naps are horrible.  Always 30 minutes.  Lately we've been able to get him back to sleep after feeding him more and walking around for a while but it's hit or miss.  Most of the time, he wakes up happy after those 30 minutes so there is no getting him back down for sleep (even though all the books say 30 minutes is NOT restorative!)
  • Night time sleep isn't too bad.  He goes down around 7:30 - 8:00 pm and he'll wake up any time between 1 and 4 (we never really know what kind of night it's going to be).  Then he'll go back to sleep again until some time between 5:30 - 7:00 (again, we never know).
On July 2nd, Dex was baptized at St Theresa.  We were so blessed to have so many people come down to celebrate with him on his special day.  Amy, Sean and the kids  and Nanny and Papa came from Kansas.  Eric and Kelly and the boys came from Chicago.  My Dad, John and Misty came from Houston -- it was such a fun week/weekend.  We rarely get to hang out with cousins so it was a huge treat!!   We are so thankful everyone could come to visit and we miss having all the company already. 

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