Thursday, July 28, 2016

T-5 Days

I can't believe it's almost here.  The day we've been dreading for months.  I've read every possible article, blog, and chat board on "VSD repair" in addition to watching You Tube videos of babies in recovery.  I *think* I know what to expect, but then when I really think about it, I have NO IDEA.  How does one prepare for this?

Dex's open heart surgery is scheduled for August 2nd at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.  His surgery will be performed by Dr. Charles Fraser, surgeon-in-chief of congenital heart surgery. His team has performed over 10,000 surgeries and he is known to be one of the best in the country.  We had the pleasure of meeting with him back in May and I know Dex could not be in better hands.  This is my favorite article about our surgeon.

Nanny and Papa arrive tomorrow (Friday) to watch after Jake and Maddie.  Mark, Dex and I will drive to Houston on Saturday so Mark can donate blood for the surgery (which is needed exactly 3 days before).  We will do all of the pre-op stuff on Monday and his surgery will be on Tuesday.  In total, he should be in the hospital for a week or so, then we have to stay in Houston until the follow up visit which would be some time during the following week. 

Every time I contemplate the reality of what is about to happen, I can't stand thinking about it for more than a few minutes and then I have to distract myself with a separate thought.  The words that continuously flash bold in my mind are "the surgery will be about 6 hours"..."he will be on bypass for 90 minutes" and "expect to be in ICU for 2 days".  How do you wrap your head around that when it's your 5 month old baby?  I can't.  I've tried.  And until we are living it, I don't think I'll even begin to understand it.

Oh this sweet baby.  Of course in the last week or so he has completely started sleeping through the night.  When I say completely, I mean like 7:30 pm - 5:30 am.  And then he usually eats and goes right back to sleep until almost 7 am.  His daytime sleep is starting to consolidate too.  He's taking fewer and longer naps that are much more predictable.  I've started putting him down completely awake and he goes to sleep on his own.  He has been the most content, adorable creature on the planet recently with his bubble blowing, cooing, giggling little self.  He has no idea what's about to happen and when I think about him being in DEPLETES me. 

Sweet Jesus, please hold us up as we go through the next few days and weeks.  Wrap your arms around our baby's heart and our surgeon's hands.  Help us find strength.  Help us find patience.  Most of all, help us find peace...when we are counting the minutes until Dr. Fraser emerges from the operating room and tells us everything went perfectly. 

1 comment:

Julie Warmbrodt said...

Love you, love you, love you, friend. ❤️ All of you are in my heart constantly. May the peace that surpasses all understanding wrap you up in His arms. Praying.