Saturday, August 13, 2016

We're Home!

We were discharged from the hospital on Saturday, August 6th.  We stayed in Houston for the week until our follow up appointment at the hospital on Friday, August 12th.  I haven't written anything from last week mostly because it was LONG and exhausting.  Ever since Friday night, August 5th, Dex's night sleep has taken a major turn for the worse.  He's up 7-8 times a night and will not go back down unless he has a bottle in his mouth. It has made for very long, tiring days and we were just trying to muscle through it. 

At his follow up appointment yesterday, he got a clean bill of health and we got our ticket home.  It's really astounding how well he has done (aside from the sleep regression) since his surgery.  They finally took the steri-strips off along with the last couple of stitches.  His incision scar really looks amazing so far and I just know in a few years it will be hardly noticeable.  His heart sounds perfect - no more murmur - and he's been back to his smiling, giggly self for over a week.  If we could just get him to sleep at night!!  There are plenty of restrictions for the next 6 weeks while he heals.  We can't pick him up under the arms (we have to scoop him whenever we lift him) and he can't do tummy time.  His development may be a bit delayed because of it, but I know he'll catch up in no time.  I can't wait for what is to come -- starting solids, sitting up, crawling and more! 

We finally got back to Austin yesterday afternoon and I couldn't have been more excited to be here.  Being gone for 2 weeks under such stressful circumstances really does take it's toll on you.  Big thanks to Grandpa for allowing all of us to crash at his house (I know he was ready for us all to leave!) and big thanks to Nanny and Papa for making the trek to Houston with Jake and Maddie and helping entertain them all week.  It really does take a village -- and we are blessed to have the best grandparents EVER!  It's so nice to be home and starting back on our routine -- just in time for school to start in a week!

I am so, so thankful that there were no complications and that he is doing so well.  Being in a hospital surrounded by families with sick children puts things into perspective, and I know we were one of the lucky ones.  I am counting our blessings.  There is such an immense relief that I feel now that we have this huge obstacle behind us. 

Check out our little champ's progress from Day 1 of surgery.  These videos may be a little graphic but I want him to see one day what an amazing little fighter he is!

8/2/16:  Day of surgery - in ICU

8/3/16: Day after surgery - in ICU

8/4/16: 2 Days after surgery


8/12/16:  Follow up appointment!

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