Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dex's 6 month check up

Exactly 6 weeks after his surgery, Dex had his 6 month check up with the pediatrician, which was actually a week and a half after he officially turned 6 months (we had to wait because he couldn't get his 6 month shots until 6 weeks after surgery).  Anyway, the appointment was great and our pediatrician was super pleased with his progress.  She even said that many of her 6 month olds aren't sitting up yet so the fact that he had surgery and couldn't be on his tummy for 6 weeks AND that he was sitting up was awesome!!  Now that we are 6 weeks post surgery, we can pick him up under the arms and start concentrating more on tummy time and getting that core strength up!!

His 6 month stats:
26.75 inches (44%)
43.2 cm head circumference (37%)
18.4 lbs (59%)

What he's up to at 6 months:
  • He's sitting up!  He loves this new skill and if he's laying flat, he tries very hard to sit up on his own.  Those core muscles are definitely working!
  • He really loves eating solids, except for anything green.  Peas, green beans, all of it.  If it's green, he gets an awful look on his face when you give it to him and just ends up gagging and spitting it out.  It's pretty darn funny.
  • He loves the teething biscuits which he will hold on his own and suck on.  Makes a terrible mess though.
  • Still loves to grab his feet and suck on his own toes!
  • He's starting to jump in his exersaucer!
  • His sleep is still pretty inconsistent.  Bedtime is 7 pm and he *usually* wakes up between 4/5 am and we will feed him a bottle and he'll go back to sleep until around 7 am.  Every few days though, he'll wake up before 4 am and we have to let him cry and work it out :(
  • He's on 2 naps now and they are all over the place.  Sometimes they are 30 minutes and other times they are 1.5 hours.  Wish we could figure out how to make them all 1.5 hours!
  • He's still having trouble going from his tummy to his back.  He can roll on to his tummy pretty easily but getting back over is harder for him.
  • He loves to blow raspberries!
  • He follows Jake and Maddie wherever they are.  
  • He's so much better in the car!  Especially if the big kids are with us, he usually just watches them in the car and they help entertain him. (thank goodness!)
  • He's such a happy baby.  Always returns your smiles and just has a really great disposition.
We are anxious to see his progress now that we don't have any restrictions with what he can do!!  He certainly seems like he wants to MOVE!

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