Monday, May 4, 2009

C & J

Some of you already know that I have been actively searching for a new, loving home for Catcher. I've found two homes for him in the last couple of months but they keep sending the little guy back. Apparently he hasn't adjusted well to having other pets in the house and he's the type of kitty that requires a single-pet-only home. As I type, he's cuddled up asleep on the bed on top of a few dirty clothes. He looks peaceful and happy.

I don't think anyone was more excited to see Catcher return as Jacob. And, more surprisingly, Catcher has become even more tolerant of Jacob and his tail-grabbing, body-slamming antics. Jacob even got to lay with him without Catcher running for his life. Who knows -- maybe it's in the cards that Jacob and Catcher become best pals??

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