Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kids Museums, Mustard Geysers and Haircuts Gone Bad

Jaemie and I took Owen and Jacob to the San Jose Children's Discovery Museum this morning. Jacob has been there once before but couldn't enjoy much of it due to the overwhelming crowd on the weekend. Today wasn't nearly as crowded so he could get his hands on everything. We didn't get to see much of Jaemie and Owen since the boys each had their own agenda so despite our thought that this would be a fun-filled day for everyone, we didn't even get in any mommy chat time!

Oh, but I did manage to completely cover my shirt in mustard after buying Jacob a pretzel. They had those gigantic squirt bottles on the side so I innocently pressed down on one to get Jacob a tiny glob of mustard for dipping, when the darn thing shot out at me like a crazy mustard geyser. My ever-growing belly was the perfect target and I was completely doused in yellow mustard. There should be a warning label on those things. Someone could have been hurt. Mustard in the eye, mustard in an open wound, you get the idea...

By the way, I should also mention that Jacob got a haircut on Sunday which explains the crazy sideburns he's sporting these days. I always tell the stylist to cut it short in the back and leave it longer on the top but I think this guy must have had trouble understanding english because he clearly did not listen to a word I said. Please recognize that I did NOT approve the 5-inch-too-short sideburns. I was having a panic attack the entire time he was sitting in that chair. And I thought my anxiety during my own haircuts was didn't even compare!

I did not approve of this military style haircut:

Gotta love great big bubble wands...

and balls in water...

and giant pinheads...

and tunnels...

and big foam blocks...

and adorable baby water smocks...

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