Friday, April 10, 2009


Jacob and I had the pleasure of watching Owen on Wednesday all by ourselves. I was little nervous mostly because you never know what's going to happen with the 2 of them, but Owen was an absolute angel and would you believe he didn't whine, cry or scream in the 3 hours we watched him? Now that's an impressive toddler. Jacob on the other hand was a different story, but I won't go into that (he may get mad at me 10 years from now.)

The other day, I asked Jacob who is best friend was. His response? "Elmo". Um, okay. Try again. I said "What about Owen?" to which he started screaming "Owen! Owen! OWEN! Mommy, go to Owen's house PLEASE!" They ask about each other at least 10 times a day...completely unprompted.

Which is why these videos are so darn cute. Boy, are they going to miss each other when we move. :(

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