I was downloading some photos on my little Lumix point and shoot camera the other day and I came across some captured moments that couldn't go undocumented.
Maddie is increasingly more interested in accessorizing. If she sees a hat, it immediately needs to go on her head as she says "haa, haa, haaa" over and over again. If sunglasses are nearby, they need to be on her face and if there is a bag anywhere in the house, she will find it and quickly slip it onto her arm. Yep, she's undoubtedly a little woman.
So, last month, when she saw Jacob's cowboy hat, there really was no other choice than to let her strut around the house with it on...in nothing but her diaper.
I love how it doesn't even phase Jacob that his sister is in a cowboy hat and diaper.
And, back in July, when we were still in Texas, Jacob had "cowboy day" at school and all the kids dressed up as cowboys/cowgirls. Unfortunately, I never splurged for kids cowboy boots but he did look awfully cute anyway.
Don't let these pictures fool you. Jacob and Maddie are quite happy in their new home here. The other day, on our way home from the gym, we're driving down the highway and Jacob is just smiling from ear to ear in the backseat and out of the blue says "Mommy, I just love California".
Well, buddy, you wear it well. Almost as good as Texas.
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