Thursday, December 23, 2010

Andy Z

When we moved back to Belmont in August, I started hearing about an entertainer by the name of "Andy Z". One of Jacob's dear friends, Sheri, is in love with Andy Z and her mommy has posted pictures of her on Facebook going to see Andy Z at different venues. While at Ellie and Annabel's house, we witnessed the 2 girls dancing and singing to the Andy Z CD playing in the stereo. And I had a mother at The Little Gym telling me we should take Jacob to go see Andy Z sometime. I remember thinking "who the heck is this guy and why does he have a cult-like following in Belmont/San Carlos?!"

So, you can imagine my excitement when Jacob was recently invited to his pre-school friend Gavin's 4th birthday party and I saw that the invitation said "featuring Andy Z". He must have quite the fan base if parents can simply write "featuring Andy Z" and everyone is supposed to know what they are talking about. Six months ago, I would have received that invitation and thought "what in the world does that mean?" So finally, I was going to see what this Andy Z character was all about.

Well, I wasn't disappointed. He's a goofy guy in a tie dye shirt (always a tie dye shirt) and a guitar. He comes with a bag of surprises including different hats and puppets and such and each of his songs has an interactive element so the kids can dance and sing along. I tell you what, I've never seen one man so effortlessly grab 25 kids' attention and make them do what he wants them to do! It was amazing!

Andy Z, will you be my nanny?

A couple of videos from the party (Jacob is in the red shirt on the left in this first video)

Any activity that involves running around like a lunatic, Jacob is a fan of

Thank you, Andy Z, for entertaining kids up and down the Bay Area Peninsula. It truly was delightful!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha! I keep hearing about him too. Guess I'll check him out. :)