Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blueberries anyone?

Jacob continues to crack us up with his words. Before nap today, he said he wanted a pear but we didn't have any pears in the house. We told him we had apples, grapes, bananas, strawberries and blueberries. To which he responded "BOOBIES!" Daddy figured out that he wanted blueberries and continued to egg him on. Of course we had to get it on video. Just another example of us being bad yet highly entertained parents.

1 comment:

Psychicmommy2maya said...

Am I a bad caregiver for laughing along with you? We had blueberries the other day- I hope that wasn't our influence ;)THAT IS TOO FUNNY, a must share with Mike (Jacob keeps us entertained as well when he's here).