Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Dear Daddy,

I really missed you today on your birthday. All day long mommy kept reminding me that it was your birthday and we'd practice singing Happy Birthday to you. Then I would pretend to blow out the candles. I'm glad I got to sing to you while I was in the bathtub and Mommy was sitting next to me talking to you on the phone. You can probably tell I had been practicing.

Mommy keeps asking me what we should get you for your birthday but apparently I am no help in that department. I would just say "choos choos mommy" or "more cars mommy", but I think Mommy thinks you are too old for that (what does she know anyway?)

When you are gone, I ask about you all day long. When Mommy comes to get me out of the crib in the morning and after my nap, I always say "Daddy, Daddy". Mommy tells me that you are at work and then she says that you'll be home soon. I really wish I knew what soon meant.

At playgroup this morning I was showing off for my friends. Mommy asked me "Who's the man?" and I answered "I'm the man!" and then I started yelling "Daddy! Daddy!" (because you are the one who taught me to be cool like that)

Then, we went to Baja Fresh tonight for dinner (Mommy was craving tacos AGAIN) and I missed being there with you too. I kept saying "Daddy home...Daddy home?" Mommy told me you were flying on the airplane tomorrow and would be back soon. There's that word again...

Anyway, I miss you Daddy and can't wait to sing Happy Birthday to you in person. We love you and hope you come home very soon (whatever that means.)

I looovveeeeeee YOU!

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