Monday, June 22, 2009

Not So Happy Father's Day :(

Last Wednesday, Jacob had a rough day at school and we couldn't understand why his attitude had changed so quickly. By 10 pm on Thursday night, we knew. He woke up vomiting and didn't stop until the wee hours of the morning. The poor guy just looked so confused and scared as to what was going on! He just kept begging for water but then couldn't keep it down. Thankfully, the bug didn't last long and by Saturday, he was bouncing off the walls again.

I wish I could say the same for Mark. Yesterday morning (Father's Day!), Mark caught that same bug and ended up in the E.R. due to severe dehydration. Thank goodness Grandma and Grandpa were spending the weekend with us so they were able to stay home with Jacob while we took care of Mark. As a mommy and a wife, I felt helpless not being able to cure my boys going through this!! Miraculously, I seem to escape these bugs when they hit this house (knock on wood) and am thankful that I stayed healthy so I could help where I could. Needless to say, I feel like Mark was cheated out of his big Father's Day celebration, so we'll have to find a way to make up for it.

Happy Father's Day babe! You are the most incredible Dad in the world. When you walk in the room, Jacob's face lights up in a way that nobody else can make happen. You are there for us no matter what, all the time, mending ouchies, giving baths, reading bedtime stories, singing bedtime songs, playing dinosaur, providing, loving, and nurturing ALL the time. No wonder Jacob thinks you walk on water. We love you!!!

1 comment:

Psychicmommy2maya said...

How scary, you probably handled it better then me. I'm sorry to hear your boys were so miserable & ill.
Happy Father's day Mark, I hope you get the celebration you deserve!