The first surprise this holiday was that it snowed in Dallas on Christmas Eve. SNOWED. In DALLAS. A white Christmas is unheard of in these parts of Texas so you can imagine how exciting is was to see snow on the ground that actually stuck around. Thank goodness my Mom, Dad and Grandma got here on Christmas Eve before it got really bad. Driving in that stuff is not so much fun.
Jacob was super excited about Santa coming. We'd been talking about it for weeks, and on Christmas Eve, he knew Santa would be coming that night to bring him toys. Mark and I really didn't think he'd get up early because of this, but we were surely mistaken. Jacob never, I repeat never, leaves his room until the green light on his clock goes on at 7 am. He knows it's a rule in this house that he can't get up until the green light goes on. Well apparently, all rules go out the window on Christmas morning. At 6:15 am, I heard him literally running down the steps. I ran to meet him halfway and said "Jacob! What are you doing? It's still night-night time!" The look on his face was heart breaking. "No mommy! Santa came! I want to open presents!" I couldn't help but laugh. I picked him up and brought him into our room where Daddy put on a TV show for him so we could get ready and wait for Maddie to wake up. I know kids are excited on Christmas morning but I had no idea Jacob would be ready to go before the break of dawn!! I was surprised he "got it" so well given his age.
Anyway, the morning was great. He couldn't wait to open each gift and was also a great sport and would open Maddie's gifts for her and then hand them to her (as she sat in her bouncy seat.) He loves his new Lightning McQueen bikes and playhouse. He's also a big fan of the Design and Drill game, Lightning McQueen fishing game, pirate ship and airport. The theme of the year was definitely the Disney Movie "Cars". He got more Lightning McQueen toys that I can count!
As much as I love Christmas, I'm glad we have another year before it comes around again. And I know next year will be even more fun as Maddie will be old enough to participate.
Enjoy the pics and videos. There are lots of them!
The house before Santa came:
The house after Santa came:
Videos of Jacob on Christmas morning:
His face when he first saw all the toys!
Sweet boy giving Maddie her gifts
Love this picture. She's so content in Daddy's arms.
My parents, Grandma, Frank and Tori all came over Christmas afternoon. Jacob loves his Great Grandma!
Kristy came over the day after Christmas for a quick visit!
Christmas Eve -- the front of our house. It looks like a Christmas card!!
All ready to go outside and make a Snowman!
The little snowman
1 comment:
What a beautiful Christmas! I love how excited Jacob got. Good job Santa!
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