Friday, August 8, 2014

Tales from Maui - Hawaii 2014

Right when the school year ended, we headed to Maui for our annual trip with Grandma, Grandpa, Frank, Paige and Tori.  Tori's friend Jessica joined us this year.  As always, we had an amazing time.  I love that we go on vacation at the beginning of the Summer, but I don't love having no other vacations to look forward to before school starts!  So, I vote we bookend the Summer with tropical vacations.  That's not expensive right?

Our trip was similar to years past...lots of pool, beach, drinks, pool, beach, drinks, repeat.  We went to a new place this year called Maui sports where they had putt putt golf (Jacob LOVED), bumper boats and a big trampoline.  We also hit up Warren and Annabelle's magic show again which is ALWAYS a good time (you laugh until you cry).  We also got to check out the Westin this year which was fun because they have the "biggest slide on Maui".  However, that doesn't mean it was BIG.  It just happens to be the biggest (or longest?) on the island.

One of our biggest surprises was that Maddie totally started swimming on her own this trip.  She was tall enough to ride the slides but we were not allowed to wait at the bottom of the slide to catch her (as we've done at other places).  They had to give her a "swim test" and watch her swim from the bottom of the slide to the edge of the pool before they would give her a wrist band. From that moment on, that girl was swimming!  I think she loved her new found pool freedom.

So much thanks to my Mom and Dad as they always take such good care of us.  Hawaii is also getting hammered with 2 hurricanes right now so sending safety prayers their way.  That silly island has brought us so much joy as a family.

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