Thursday, April 3, 2008

Baby Nemo

Jacob had his first formal swim lesson yesterday, and it was a blast! I heard so many praises about this swim school when I started researching where to go. Our friends Shauna and baby Ethan were on board as well, so we signed up together. After being on the waitlist for 2 months (geez) we finally got into a class on Wednesdays.

Jacob has always liked the water, but I was nervous about taking him to any structured swim activity, mostly because he likes to do his own thing these days and I was afraid he'd have a meltdown in the pool. As always, he surprised me and was an angel! When we first got into the water, he was clinging on to me for dear life (and didn't appreciate the instructors attempts to pull him away from me.) Toward the end though, I was fighting to keep him in my arms. The kid seems to think he already knows how to swim and kept squirming to get out of my grip. I couldn't believe it. It reminded me of all those stories I heard growing up of my older brother, Frank, running into the ocean when he had no idea how to swim. That Ildebrando is fearless. (Or crazy. I vote crazy.)

I wish I had taken some pictures of our new little Nemo. I'll try to snap one of him next week in his too-cute swim diaper. I'm sure he'll appreciate that 15 years from now.

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