Sunday, April 6, 2008

My kind of playdate

Jacob and I went on 3 playdates last week and let me tell you, if we keep up this frequency, we're each going to gain 10 pounds. The highlight of our last playdate was the flourless chocolate cake and the white wine (oops, am I speaking for myself again?) I meant to say that the highlight of our last playdate was the puppy dogs. Yep, that's what I meant. Jacob loovveesss going to Shauna and baby Ethan's so that he can press his little face against the glass door and oooohhh and aaaahhhh over the dogs outside. Every time this happens, I convince myself that we need a dog. A few hours later, I always have a moment of clarity (probably after the wine wears off) and I realize that this is the dumbest idea on the planet. We'll just go to Shauna and Ethan's for our puppy fix. :)

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