Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mr. Cheeks

There still isn't a day that goes by that someone doesn't stop me and say "I just want to squeeze those cheeks!!" (To Jacob. Not me. I hope.)

I find it hysterical that my son's most distinct feature is his enormous cheeks. Not his big brown eyes (although people do comment on those beautiful peepers.) Not his chubby thighs (at least not to my face anyway.) They just L-O-V-E his cheeks. Personally, I don't blame them. I get to smother them with kisses everyday so I understand their jealousy (err, fascination.)

I got a little nostalgic and started looking at old pictures of Jacob in his earlier months. Let me tell you, he has grown into those cheeks significantly. It's hard to believe that they used to be exponentially larger, but it's true. See for yourself!

Jacob at 5 months:

Jacob at 14 months: (I would say he's grown into those chubby cheeks nicely.)

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