Sunday, September 21, 2008

Warning: Elmo might be made of crack

We've known for a while that Jacob is a fan of Elmo. Melissa and Maya have a few Elmo's at their house that do crazy dances and sing silly songs. I even think some of them cook dinner and take out the trash.

I am astonished by how much Elmo can do. Did you know that he goes to school, speaks French, delivers pizza and even does somersaults and laps in the bathtub??

Jacob could learn a lot from Elmo.

Which is why we decided to buy him one at Toys R Us this weekend. I didn't want to get him one that danced or did some crazy stunt because that would be just a little too "lifelike" for me. So instead, I decided to get him the "Learn to Dress Elmo" which would help Jacob learn how to zip, tie and button Elmo's clothes. Jacob LOVES him. He loves him so much that he wants Elmo to throw balls, climb up slides, read books and chase cars. All weekend, Mark and I have had Elmo in tow making Elmo do the most outrageous tasks at Jacob's request.

I'm wondering if we made a mistake inviting Elmo into our lives. As I type, Jacob is curled up with Elmo in his crib. I'll just say this...the minute Jacob wants Elmo instead of Daddy or Mommy, that red piece of fuzz is gone. GONE I tell you!

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