Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who ever said TV was bad for toddlers?

I get really stressed out when I read all these articles about how much TV time (or non-TV time) a toddler should be exposed to. Not because I like to sit Jacob in front of the television for hours upon end, but mostly because he has one love in this world that is just downright impossible to deny him.

Ladies and gentlemen, our son is obsessed with The Wiggles. I used to think these colorful, middle aged men singing and dancing was nothing short of creepy, but now Mark and I find ourselves dancing along with them belting out the tune to "Fruit Salad, Yummy, Yummy" and "Big Red Car" without hesitation. I will even admit to singing a few choruses of "Hot Potato, Hot Potato" and humming "Brown Girl in the Ring" completely on my own in my car while headed to bootcamp at 6 am in the morning.

I don't know what it is about these guys, but they really know how to entertain a toddler. Jacob does his Wiggles sign (he points his index fingers and shakes them up and down) and can't WAIT for them to come on TV. Admittedly, we don't have to fulfill this request, but man is he cute to watch as he dances and sings along with them. How could this be harmful to our little man??

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