Wednesday, January 2, 2008

No rest for the weary

It's amazing the kind of havoc that traveling can wreak on a baby's life. We survived 5 days in Kansas and 5 days in New Mexico, but not without many a sleepless night. I understand now why many of my friends have never left their hometown with a baby. And let me go on the record and say this...shame on all of you who never warned us about altitude sickness and it's truly ILL effects on babies little bodies. Holy Moly. Our first night in Angel Fire was worse than it ever was when he was a newborn, and I would have given my right eye for more than 1 hour of sleep that night. At 1 am (after endless screaming since 8 pm) I wearily climbed the stairs to make a bottle. John came up soon after and said "Good NIGHT, I wouldn't wish this on anybody." ha. I then proceeded to cry on his shoulder. Frank popped up shortly after that wondering why we couldn't keep that kid quiet. Then he decided to take a shower (yes, at 1 am). Jacob had the whole house up -- except of course my parents. They were soundly sleeping through all of it. And that's actually quite surprising. Mom could sleep through freight trains and tornadoes, but Dad wakes up if you blink your eyelashes too hard. Better for us though...that just meant that they had baby duty in the morning.

Ah, but the lesson here is this: "This too shall pass." As I write, Jacob sleeps peacefully in his own crib (hopefully until the morning).

In a perfect world we would avoid traveling for a while, but we don't like to roll that way. Instead, we're packing up and moving back to San Francisco in less than 2 weeks. That day should be interesting. We must pack everything we will need for the next few months because we will temporarily be living in corporate housing. Let me write that again. "We must pack everything we will need for the next few months." And an 11 month old baby. And a 16 pound cat. God help us.

Rachel, if you are reading this, please be waiting at SFO with a bottle of Xanax and wine (in that order.)

Ah, you all know I'm kidding. Despite the lack of sleep, we still had a great time with all of you that we visited. And boy did we get spoiled for Christmas! Thank you for all of your wonderful gifts! Oh, and even in the midst of the madness, we still managed to get a cute pic of our little guy in his snowsuit sporting some cool shades. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

i really wish i had thought to warn you about the altitude sickness. our kids have all three gotten terribly sick one or both of the times we've been. the first time when hallie was about jacob's age, she was miserable the entire time we were there. i'm sorry it never entered my mind to give you the heads up. and the worst part about it is that they feel SO bad and there is really NOTHING you can do for them. i hope his little body tolerates it better your next trip there. did he get to play in the snow at all?? i'd love to see more pics.