Monday, September 7, 2009

Daddy's Triathlon -- a true "labor" day

Mark did his 2nd triathlon this morning in Plano. I am so impressed (but not surprised) that he did so well given how little training he had time to fit in during the last month. On top of that, it was about 90 degrees out there today without even the slightest breeze. Jacob and I were sweating bullets so I can only imagine what Mark was going through. Mark had to go very early in the morning so Jacob and I drove up separately and found the perfect shady spot on the bike path to cheer him on as he came around twice (they did 2 loops on the bike path). Jacob was super excited to scream "go Daddy, go!" After he finished the bike, we caught him in the middle of the run and then waited for him at the finish line. Jacob and I were so proud! Congrats babe on another big physical accomplishment! After I pop this baby out, you have inspired me to do one with you!! XO XO XO!!

Jacob showing off his Wildcats T-shirt that Mommy had made for him. The back says "Broxterman" with the #12 on it (Mark's football # in college).

Of course we can't go anywhere without a handful of matchbox cars...

Daddy on his 2nd loop on the bike path

Daddy waving to Jacob

On the beginning part of the run (this is when I felt really bad for him -- it was scorching outside at this point.)

More running...

The finish line...

Daddy finishing! (Unfortunately I didn't catch him under the balloons)

Ahhh, what a sweet reward at the end


kristy said...

congratulations, mark! i went out to cheer some friends on at the austin triathlon this weekend. i definitely want to do that one next year. if you need another companion for a triathlon next year, let me know. there are tons in austin, too. :)

i plan on doing the danskin again along with the austin tri.

Unknown said...

Man you guys and your triathlons. Ha. Congratulations, Mark! I can't even imagine!