Mark took the kids this morning so I could go for a longer run in Foster City and it was so amazing to run outside in 60 degrees along the water. I think I could have run for hours (well, my mind could have run for hours. My legs and feet would beg to differ.) Did I mention how awesome it is to have my husband home?
Tonight, Mark had his football draft so I took the kids to a local park so he could "concentrate" (heh). Going to the park is getting more and more challenging because Maddie wants to climb on everything and she isn't too fond of the phrase "No Maddie, that's an ouchie", although I must say it a hundred times a day. But, I still love the fact that we are able to go to a park, any time of day without dying of heat stroke. I think the kids love it too.
Jacob just being silly, as usual
Doesn't she look like such a big girl here?
More silly
Attempting to climb up onto the play structure
If brother can do it, so can I!
And I'm not going to give up trying!
By the way, I am rarely allowed to push the stroller anymore. Apparently, that's now Jacob's new job.
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