Friday, April 23, 2010

Falling. UGH.

We just got back from a new park today and I seriously never want to go there again. It was the worst designed playground I've ever seen. The slide had no sides to it. I repeat, NO SIDES. So, at the top of it, even a well-footed preschooler could turn slightly in the wrong direction and BAM, fall right off the side of the darn thing. It also had this giant climbing structure in the middle that looked like a dome. I've seen these things before, but the rungs of the "ladders" (I don't know what you call these things) were so far apart that only much older children would have no problem reaching them. Of course, Jacob insisted on climbing up them and when you have a 7 month old in one hand and a preschooler climbing up the dome of death in the other, it is nearly impossible to escape an accident.

And we didn't.

He had successfully climbed up the dome of death twice with a little assistance from me. So, he was on his third attempt and my friend Cyndi was telling me a story about why she had to run to the emergency room yesterday and get stitches in her head (so, not a story you can turn your head away from) and Jacob is literally 6 inches away from me climbing up this thing. I see him slip out of the corner of my eye and before I could even react, he fell to the ground straight onto his back. I knew immediately it had knocked the wind out of him so I just picked him up and held him until he could breathe which took what seemed like 10 minutes! Of course then he started screaming bloody murder. Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? It is awful. Down right AWFUL. Ugh, I felt so horrible. BAD MOMMY. He was fine once he caught his breath but still, BAD MOMMY. I hate that playground. Never going there again.

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