Friday, April 2, 2010

Where did Angela go?

Something strange is happening here. I think some highly domesticated woman from 1952 has taken over my body and is making me embark on craft projects. This is not me folks. If you know me, you know this. But something is in the Dallas water -- or I'm possessed by that lady from 1952. It started with Maddie's wall letters and then now it's moved on to Maddie's clothes. I want to sew them, and applique them, and hem them and tie ribbons on them. I took a sewing class for crying out loud (and bought a sewing machine!) Okay, so, maybe having a girl has triggered this domestication in me. Whatever it is, I am not so sure I am ready to hand over my old self, to this new self. Either way, this blog is going be my outlet for displaying my projects. Showcasing them, if you will, so that I can prove to my kids someday that yes, mommy was domesticated at some point in her life. Be careful, you might blink and as soon as you read this post, I will have moved on to another household hobby that completely defies all purposes that I once thought I had in life! I'm possessed I tell you.

As I was stitching this applique on Maddie's onesie last night, I asked Mark: "What in the world is going on? What missing gene in my body have I all of a sudden tapped into?" His response? "I don't know. But I like it." Well, there you have it folks. If it doesn't disturb the hubby, then I guess it's okay.

Maddie's new onesie:


Kevin's Mom said...

You are too funny! I like seeing your projects, keep it up!

Psychicmommy2maya said...

I LOVE IT! Hey, when you come back you can be my new seamstess. Mine has moved to Arizona :(