Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Texas Tradition

Would I be a total nerd if I said that one of the reasons I was excited about moving back to Texas was so that I could take pictures of my kids in the Texas bluebonnets?

Don't answer that.

It's funny because I don't ever remember doing this as a kid, but I do remember all of my friends going out with their families and spending hours taking photos in fields of the state flower. And they were always beautiful. I learned recently that the Texas bluebonnet only blooms for a few weeks in the Spring every year. So you have to time it just right or you'll miss them. For weeks I've been waiting for them to start blooming all the while researching great picture taking locations. Thank goodness Mark is a good sport. I knew I wouldn't be able to get 2 kids out there on my own and even though this tradition is foreign to him, he was all for it.

There is no way on earth you can look at these pictures and doubt this tradition is a good one.


Jaemie said...

I love how your kids actually POSE for a picture! :-) I have to resort to bribery and sneak attacks! You're all gorgeous!

Unknown said...

These are amazing! My memory of the bluebonnets? My mom forcing us to sit in the middle of them off some highway. The result? Great pictures and a family completely eaten alive by chiggers. I'd never go in those bluebonnets again.